Tautologous Sentences

6 Tautologous Sentences

6.1 Definition of tautology

6.1.1 No atomic sentence is tautologous

6.1.2 Normal assignment An assignment A of the truth values T and F to all the sentences of L is called normal iff for each sentence Φ of L, A assigns exactly one of the truth values T/F to Φ If Φ = -Ψ, then A assigns T to Φ iff A do not assign T to Ψ If Φ = ( Ψ V χ ) for sentences Ψ,χ then A assigns T to Φ iff A assigns T to Ψ or T to χ or both If Φ = ( Ψ & χ ) for sentences Ψ,χ then A assigns T to Φ iff A assigns T to Ψ and T to χ If Φ = ( Ψ \(\implies) χ ) for sentences Ψ,χ then A assigns T to Φ iff A assigns F to Ψ or T to χ or both If Φ = ( Ψ \(\iff\) χ ) for sentences Ψ,χ then A assigns T to Φ iff A assigns T to both Ψ and χ or assigns F to both

6.1.3 A sentence Φ is tautologous (is a tautology) iff it is assigned the truth value T by every normal assignment of truth values T and F to the sentences of L Every tautologous sentence is valid

6.1.4 A sentence Φ is a tautological consequence of a set of sentences Γ iff Φ is assigned the truth value T by every normal assignment that assigns the truth value T to all sentences of Γ. A sentence Φ is a tautological consequence of a set of sentences Γ iff Γ is empty and Φ is tautologous or There are sentences Ψ_1, Ψ_2, … ,Ψ_n which belongs to Γ and are such that ((…(Ψ_1 & Ψ_2)& … & Ψ_n) \(\implies) Φ) is tautologous.

6.1.5 A set of sentences Γ is truth-functionally consistent iff there is at least one normal assignment that assigns the truth value T to all members of Γ Truth-functionally inconsistent

6.2 Tautologous SC sentences; truth tables

6.2.1 For any sentence Φ, if Φ does not contain any quantifiers, then Φ is tautologous iff Φ is valid. For any SC sentence Φ, Φ is tautologous iff Φ is valid. For any sentence Φ, Φ is tautologous iff there is a tautologous SC sentence Ψ s.t. Φ is substitution instance of Ψ. Substitution instance of SC sentence Ψ ( sentence Φ) : result of replacing sentential letters of Ψ by sentences.

6.2.2 Truth table method A Truth value normal assignment gives to an SC sentence is determined by truth values it gives to occurring sentential letters Suppose an SC sentence Φ containing n distinct sentential letters, there are 2^n different ways truth values T and F can be assigned to these n letters.

6.3 Deciding whether sentences are tautologous

6.3.1 Basic truth-functional component of a sentence Ψ( a sentence Φ) : Φ is atomic or general and occurs free in Ψ at least once.

6.3.2 Associated with a sentence Ψ (a SC sentence Φ) : Φ is obtained from Ψ by putting occurrences of sentential letters for all free occurrences in Ψ of its basic truth-functional components

6.3.3 For any sentences Φ, Ψ , if Ψ is an SC sentence associated with Φ, then Φ is tautologous iff Ψ is tautologous. Construct an SC sentence Ψ associated with Φ. By a truth-table, test Ψ for tautologousness. Decide whether Φ is tautologous.

6.4 Rules of derivation for SC sentences

6.4.1 SC derivation : finite sequence of consecutively numbered lines, each consisting of an SC sentence together with list of numbers. ~ proof P (Introduction of premises) Any SC sentence may be entered on a line with the line number taken as the only premise-number MP (Modus Ponens) Ψ may be entered on a line if Φ and (Φ \(\implies) Ψ) appear on earlier lines; as premise-numbers of the new line take all premise-numbers of those earlier lines. MT (Modus Tollens) Φ may be entered on a line if Ψ and (-Φ \(\implies) -Ψ) appear on earlier lines ; as premise-numbers of the new line take all premise-numbers of those earlier lines. C (Conditionalization) (Φ \(\implies)Ψ) may be entered on a line if Ψ appear on earlier lines ; as premise-numbers of the new line take all premise-numbers of those earlier lines. With the exception of any that is the line number of a line on which Φ appears. D (Definitional interchange) if Ψ is obtained from Φ by replacing an occurrence of a sentence χ in Φ by an occurrence of a sentence to which χ is definitionally equivalent, then Ψ may be entered on a line if Φ appears on an earlier line; as premise-numbers of the new line take all premise-numbers of those earlier lines (Φ V Ψ) is definitionally equivalent to (-Φ\(\implies)-Ψ) (Φ & Ψ) is definitionally equivalent to -(Φ\(\implies)-Ψ) (Φ \(\iff\) Ψ) is definitionally equivalent to ((Φ\(\implies)Ψ)&(Ψ\(\implies)Φ))

6.4.2 SC derivation of Φ from Γ : an SC sentence Φ appears on the last line and premises belongs to a set of SC sentences Γ SC derivable from a set of SC sentences of Γ (an SC sentence Φ) : exists SC derivation of Φ from Γ SC Theorem ( an SC sentence Φ) : Φ is SC derivable from (empty set of sentences)

6.4.3 Any SC sentence that is a substitution instance of a previously proved SC theorem may enter on a line of proof with the empty set of premise-numbers. Ψ may enter on a line if Φ_1, Φ_2, ..,Φ_n appear on earlier line and the conditional (Φ_1 \(\implies) (Φ_2 \(\implies) … \(\implies) (Φ_n \(\implies) Ψ)..)) is a substitution instance of already proved SC theorem.