Interpretations and Validity

4 Interpretations and Validity

4.1 Interpretations of L : Given a sentence Φ in L assign a denotation to each non-logical constant occurring in Φ

4.1.1 Specify Universe of discourse : non-empty domain D

4.1.2 Assign to each individual constant an element of D

4.1.3 Assign to each n-ary predicate an n-ary relation among element of D

4.1.4 Assign to each sentential letter one of truth values T or F

4.2 Truth : Φ is true under I

4.2.1 Let I be any interpretation and Φ be any quantifier-free sentence of L If Φ is sentential letter, then Φ is true under I iff I assigns T to Φ If Φ is atomic and not a sentential , then Φ is true under I iff the objects I assigns to the individual constants of Φ are related by the relation that I assigns to the predicate of Φ If Φ = - Ψ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is not true under I If Φ = (Ψ V χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is true under I or χ is true under I or both If Φ = (Ψ & χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is true under I and χ is true under I If Φ = (Ψ \(\implies) χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is not true under I or χ is true under I or both If Φ = (Ψ \(\iff\) χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff either Ψ and χ are both true or both not true under I.

4.2.2 Φ is false under I iff Φ is not true under I

4.2.3 Every quantifier-free sentence is an atomic sentence or is a molecular compound of shorter sentences

4.2.4 Let I and I’ be interpretations of L, and β be an individual constant; the I is β-variant of I’ iff I and I’ are the same or differ only in what they assign to β

4.2.5 Let Φ be any sentence of L, α a variable, and β the first individual constant not occurring in Φ. If Φ is sentential letter, then Φ is true under I iff I assigns T to Φ If Φ is atomic and not a sentential , then Φ is true under I iff the objects I assigns to the individual constants of Φ are related by the relation that I assigns to the predicate of Φ If Φ = - Ψ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is not true under I If Φ = (Ψ V χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is true under I or χ is true under I or both If Φ = (Ψ & χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is true under I and χ is true under I If Φ = (Ψ \(\implies) χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ is not true under I or χ is true under I or both If Φ = (Ψ \(\iff\) χ) for sentences Ψ, χ, then Φ is true under I iff either Ψ and χ are both true or both not true under I. If Φ = (α)Ψ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ α/β is true under every β-variant of I α/β : replace all free occurrences of α by occurrences of some individual constant β If Φ = (∃α)Ψ, then Φ is true under I iff Ψ α/β is true under at least one β-variant of I

4.2.6 Φ is true/false under I = I assigns the truth-value T/F to Φ

4.2.7 Complete Interpretations : for each element of the domain of I, there is an individual constant to which I assigns that element as denotation Φ is true under all complete interpretations iff Φ is true under all interpretations

4.3 Validity, Consequence, Consistency

4.3.1 Valid (a sentence Φ) : Φ is true under every interpretation Not valid : a nonempty set D and an assignment of appropriate entities to the non-logical constants of L which makes Φ false exists

4.3.2 Consequence of a set of sentences Γ ( a sentence Φ) : there is no interpretation under which all the sentences of Γ are true and Φ is false

4.3.3 Consistent ( a set of sentences Γ ) : there is an interpretation under which all the sentences of Γ are true

4.3.4 Deduction theorem : For any sentence Φ, Φ is a consequence of the sentences Γ together with a sentence Ψ iff (Ψ \(\implies) Φ) is a consequence of Γ alone.